​​​I.B.E.W.                                    Local 2100



3419 Stony Spring Circle

Louisville,  KY 40220


How Unions Work

Unions are teams of individuals coming together to guarantee the things you care about like decent wages, affordable health care, job security, safe and respectful workplaces, and fair scheduling.

 South KY Recc Negotiations will resume   March 13, 2024.

Postings ~ Negotiations

IBEW Local 2100 FACEBOOK Newsfeed:  

A huge thank you to our members who generously gave each month at our Membership Meetings for the Angel Tree. Because of your generosity we were able to provide for two (2) families with a total of four (4) Angels who are now going to have a wonderful Christmas. Thank you again from IBEW Local 2100 ❣️

June is Labor History month:  

June 1912

The eight-hour work day was adopted for federal employees. 

June 1917

AFL President Sam Gompers and Secretary of War Newton Baker sign an agreement establishing a three-member board of adjustment to control wages, hours, and working conditions for construction workers employed on government projects.  The agreement protected union wage and hour standards for the duration of World War I. 

June 1937

The Women’s Day Massacre in Youngstown, Ohio, when police use tear gas on women and children, including at least one infant in his mother’s arms, during a strike at Republic Steel. One union organizer later recalled, “When I got there I thought the Great War had started over again. Gas was flying all over the place and shots flying and flares going up and it was the first time I had ever seen anything like it in my life…” 


 South KY RECC (Rural Electric Cooperative   Corporation) voted 40-16 in favor of the     IBEW. Welcome home, South Ky!

 PPL Fleet (LG&E, KU, ODP)

   Check your check!

   Does your 401K employer contributions look correct?


   This incident seems to be isolated; however, every person should have 2 lines     under their Employer Contributions for the 401K. The lines should read              something like:

   401K contribution 3%
   401K contribution additional %

   Alex Vibbert

   President/Business Manager

   IBEW Local Union 2100

Stewards Training on February 8, 2023, will be held at I.B.E.W. Local Union 369 at 9:00 a.m.
4315 Preston Highway, Suite 102
Louisville, Kentucky, 40213

If you have any questions please contact Local 2100 at 502-935-4010.

Kevin Adams
Lucas Balentine
Adam Barker
George Chivers
Adam Claypool
Derek Cook
Justin Cornett
Chip Gardner
Conrad Hamming
Shawn Hardesty
Zach Harris
Charles "Bub" Howard
Brad McGrath
Ben Newberry

Looking forward to seeing you all there.  

LG&E Family Advocacy changes to EAP.

This is a free service.

​​Life Solutions powered by CCA provides around-the clock,
free professional consultation, referrals, and
counseling for any issue that matters to you and your

child care | elder care | adoption | education
special needs | new parent resources | life stages

household needs | pet care | travel and leisure
volunteer opportunities | community resources

wills | estates | neighbor disputes | budgeting | loans
mortgages | retirement planning | credit | ID theft

healthy habits | exercise | nutrition | managing illness
chronic conditions | quitting smoking

relationships | life transitions | grief and loss
anxiety and depression | substance abuse


interpersonal skills | teamwork | training and education
work-life balance | stress | time management

Stewards Training 2023


  By:  Craig Evans - Business Representative/Treasurer/Safety     

  Director/Veteran's Chairperson of Kentucky

   The IBEW Veterans Committee is a community of like-minded individuals who have served in the     armed forces and who are now members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

   The committee provides support, resources, and advocacy for veterans within the IBEW and     

   beyond. Our mission is to ensure that all veterans are treated with the respect and dignity they   

   deserve, both in the workplace and in their daily lives. We are committed to honoring the 

   sacrifices made by our service members and to promoting their overall well-being as they

   transition back into civilian life.

    Whether you are a veteran yourself or simply want to support those who have served our

   country, we invite you to join us in this important work. Together, we can make a difference for

   our nation's heroes and the ones who support them.  If interested, please contact me Craig Evans

   at 812-968-4585.